Friday, January 18, 2008

Thanks Dr. Shelby Webber!

Just got a lovely e-mail from an old friend of mine... the subject line read: "Stop feel shy of your male instrument size"... Aw, Shelby, you always know how to cheer me up. Seriously though, who writes this crap? Whoever they are, I hope they're on strike too, because with gems like that they deserve more money.

I'm fucking knackered... I was rudely awoken at 4am by my brother, who had forgotten his keys. My charming sibling brought one of his friends home, who happened to be tripping balls on acid and decided that he "felt like solace" and really, really wanted to hug me. Four times. Found it very hard to get back to sleep over the sounds of them loudly discussing the economy of China, cats, and why the kitchen floor had suddenly turned into a giant pool of water from which said cats were drinking.

Then it was up early to iron the monstrous pile of warm clothing that I've put off dealing with until today, the day before my trip. Last Minute Lucy. I am currently waiting for the dryer to finish so I can get my next fabric softener high... inhale that shit all day long and you'll know exactly what I mean.

Getting my hurr cut in a little while by Suzie '110%' Suze, a ridiculously cheerful and enthusiastic friend of mine, who will no doubt make the whole experience one akin to cuddling kittens in a field of cotton wool. She's gonna touch my head and I'm gonna like it.

This'll be my last ramble for a week, as I'm off to Austria tomorrow, FINALLY! And good news for.... well, just me, is I literally just got off the phone from booking another ski trip in March to the tax haven that is Livigno with 14 other complete messers. €5 for a big bottle of Smirnoff vodka. Says it all.

Have a great week everyone, I hope the weather doesn't stay like this for long... because I'm nice like that. If anyone wants me I'll be here:

See that dot? Yeah, that's me. Oh look! I'm waving! Hello future me! Yeah, see what I mean about the fabric softener?