Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The L Word goodness

Paris Hilton, Katherine Moennig and Ilene Chaiken at the LA Premiere
(Not sure how I feel about Paris even vaguely being associated with TLW, but seeing as TV shows can't catch herpes, I'll let this one slide)

Yesterday was lesbian Christmas. The official unveiling of the brand new (to those of us who didn't cheat, ETAIN AND RAGIN'!!) season 5 premiere of The L Word. We went at it big stylee, borrowing Fion's projector, popping corn (under the watchful and all knowing eye of Una), grabbing a few beers and some blikkage, and in short turning Tainer's apartment in the sky into a big gay cinema. Personally, I thought it was a great episode... I say personally, because we all know how TLW fans love to bitch and moan, SHAAAADDUP.

Best moment of the episode is EASILY Jenny's assistant abuse... "He hates you. Take him back to the groomer's now, and get orange ribbons, so he can like you again." Helena's strip search runs a close second... what a body!

Any and all of The Spices (and any breeders/gays who are so inclined, let's be inclusive here!) are invited to join us next Tuesday, and every Tuesday after that for the next 11 weeks... you know where to find us.

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