Friday, January 11, 2008

Q&A, but I'm away, a sad day. (Poet. Didn't know it.)

Journalist and popcorn maker extraordinaire Una (who I may soon be bribing to lean Cathy Davey's direction in the Choice Music Awards, seeing as she is one of the judges) has just reminded me that I'm away for Q&A, one of THE best nights out for anyone who is passionate about not listening to the usual tripe you hear in night clubs. I haven't missed Q&A in as long as I can remember, this does not sit well with me.

In other news...

  • Marc Jacobs will always have my heart. First the camel toe, and now this. Brilliance.
  • Today is Friday (AKA Vodkaredbullday) and something I just wrote to a friend reflects my mood quite well....
"I WANNA GET PISSED! HAMMERED! I want to be a mess! I wanna come home with things in my bag and not know why or how they're there! I wanna spend €200 and lament it the next day! I wanna drink too much vodka, followed by too much sambuca, and top it all off with too much Jaeger! I want to lose important belongings! I want there to be pictures of me kissing strangers the next day! I want to not remember how I got home! I want to be BEST FRIENDS with every single person in that club! I want to be told to 'Get down off the table' by the bar staff a million times! I want to smash glasses, break cameras, fall over... I WANT IT ALL HOLLY!"

You can't say I'm not a lady. Ha!

I'm off to do some laundry... I can't be a rockstar 24/7.


UnaRocks said...

"I WANNA GET PISSED! HAMMERED! I want to be a mess! I wanna come home with things in my bag and not know why or how they're there! I wanna spend €200 and lament it the next day! I wanna drink too much vodka, followed by too much sambuca, and top it all off with too much Jaeger! I want to lose important belongings! I want there to be pictures of me kissing strangers the next day! I want to not remember how I got home! I want to be BEST FRIENDS with every single person in that club! I want to be told to 'Get down off the table' by the bar staff a million times! I want to smash glasses, break cameras, fall over... I WANT IT ALL HOLLY!"

Anonymous said...

Hey Una, didn't you have something to say about this sort of stuff when you were on the telly?

tom said...

pcr song