Sunday, April 6, 2008

Could someone please explain to me....

... just what the fuck this is and where it came from?

It looks like a ripped hem off the bottom of a blue and white check shirt. Whilst this might not seem too unusual... I found it IN MY BRA.

Yes, it appears at some stage on Thursday night I stole/was given/ended up with this mysterious strip of fabric, and it then somehow found its way in my right bra cup. I did not discover this until I took my bra off on Friday night. (I'm allowed come home and pass out with my bra on if I want to, god damn it!)

Anyone with any information on how it ended up in my bra is asked to come forward and put my mind at ease.

Was it a gift, or have I become a drunken kleptomaniac with a penchant for hiding my loot in my bra?

How many times did I say bra?

1 comment:

12345645645666777 said...

It's yer ma. Get over it.